#1 Choice For Real-Time Option Trade Alerts
OptionsCallsPuts.com Option Trade Alerts Average Return Of Our Top Picks For 2024 Alerts Had Massive Gains.
We believe trading and investing should be easy. Yes, trading can be hard if you don’t know what you’re doing. Other services and wall street want you to think it’s impossible if you aren’t them. With OptionsCallsPuts.com, see why members are proving it can be done without the so called “secret” tactics and Wall Street “know how.”
Your Best Resource for Day Trading SPY Options, QQQ Options & Option Trade Alerts
Our real time option trade alerts, SPY Options & QQQ Options are great for any type of trader, whether you are brand new to trading, or a seasoned pro. They’re great for new traders because we give strike prices, expiration dates, along with entries and exits for our option trade alerts. Our signals are enjoyable to seasoned traders because we save them the time of having to search for the best setups.
Get Our Option Trade Alerts, As It Happens.
Trade Calls, Puts, SPY Options And QQQ Options.
Build Your Wealth With Our Weekly Option Trade Alerts.
At OptionsCallsPuts.com You Can Profit In Any Type Of Market. You Can Potentially Make Money In All Market Conditions.
Building Wealth With Option Trade Alerts
OptionsCallsPuts.com has helped create portfolios to meet long & short-term financial goals for thousands of investors. New to investing? Part-time Investor? Full-time Investor? Novice or Pro? Get started today investing in your financial future by trading along side Wall Streets most affluent options traders. Get our option trade alerts when we trade the most influential stock options in the worlds most innovative companies as it happens. We offer weekly single-leg, call or put option trade alerts, SPY option alerts and QQQ option alerts. We provide you the best setup to get you the most out of the option trade alerts.
A Proven Approach To Options Trading
The best interpretations of fundamental & technical based analytics to disseminate real time investment decisions by providing the best options trading dynamics. We share our directional option trade alerts with members of our trading group with options trading signals delivered via email or SMS - Actionable alerts, as it happens. Our approach is simple- we trade weekly calls and puts.
Why Us?
Our team is comprised of veteran stock options traders with diverse financial experience with a commitment to ethics, transparency & integrity, quantifying option order flow and analytics phenomenon of options trade signals as it happens. We share high risk/reward options trading set ups with members ...Sharing the best stock options trading signals with members intra-day.
Trade options? Our option trade alerts, SPY options and QQQ options trade alerts are the most significant option alerts given to members with an excellent rate of return. We narrow the focus on winning, high volume stocks so you can build rapid growth. We never issue options trade alerts on penny stocks, or low volume stocks.
Join thousands of like minded investors who get real time option trades alerts & analytical data in our live trading where you learn how we generate gains no matter if the market goes up, or down. Delivered to your smart phone, computer or tablet all in real time.
Money Market Mastery With Our Option Trade Alerts
Our best option trade alerts generate rapid wealth by resulting in 100%+ gains and often much more than that. Our SPY option alerts have averaged over 500% per month due to the volatility. Our QQQ option alerts have averaged over 500% per month due to the volatility. At times more!
Nevertheless, we do not take you on a roller-coaster ride of high-risk wins and losses but look to steadily increase your profits over time with well-considered option trades based on sound market analysis, combined with our advanced technical analysis tools.
Our approach requires that a trader is prepared to purchase put and call option contracts and have the ability to respond quickly.

What To Expect From OptionsCallsPuts.com...
From us, you can expect to get simplified, real time option trading alerts via an app which can delivered to you on your phone, desktop or tablet. Our trading system provides an easy way to stay in touch with the best opportunities to capitalize on market action when you’re on the go. We stand by our service and believe that those who become members will appreciate the value and trading opportunities we offer.
OptionsCallsPuts.com is a collective of seasoned traders with experience in the stock market. With our group of traders, you’ll see how we specialize in curating and delivering only the best trade signals for options trading. Our traders take pride in delivering quality option trade alerts in a timely manner so our members can see what our traders are seeing day to day.
Every trader is unique, and must account for their own situation.Please consult your financial advisor before trading in the stock market or any equities market.
We provide member support through email or our live chat located on the website and we’re happy to connect with you. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email us at Info@OptionsCallsPuts.com
Best Options Trading Service Reviews
Find out why satisfied clients have enjoyed over a decade of proven success with OptionsCallsPuts.com
Many thousands of our clients came to us confused, disillusioned, or burned out from options trading and found a whole new level of skills, knowledge, and success by joining one or more of our memberships.
We take the fear and stress out of trading by offering you sound stocks and options trading alerts with excellent win rates, great percentage gains, minimum loss per trade, and a quick turnaround. These crucial factors, which play an important role in growing portfolios exponentially, will revive your enthusiasm for trading and boost your self-confidence, while simultaneously growing your trading account.
“I personally have a great experience trading options using OptionsCallsPuts.com
I have tried all three services and currently using the weekly option alerts service. The price point was not attractive( initially )as I was trading with $40,000. However, after making $20,000 the very first week I was impressed. I have been using the weekly service for 3 weeks paid over $9,000 in fees and made over $67,466.00 so far. The Spy alerts I paid $3,550 and made $47,000!!
If this continues into 2022 I will be very happy with my trading and thanks for the help OptionsCallsPuts.com
“I joined you because you have been the best so far. I have signed up with so many and lost so much. I am very happy.”
“I started with the option trading service back in August 2021. I have slowly moved from the monthly trades to the weekly trades. Since I moved to the weekly alert service my account has tripled! Thank you!”
“This options trading alert service is exceptional. I tried the Monthly alerts for 2 months which were pretty good. I needed more help with my exits on my trades so I signed for the weekly option alerts and this has been a success for me.I took my 50K account to 80K in the first week with my second week making over 40K. I would highly recommend optionscallsputs.com if you’re seeking good option trades with excellent customer service and traders.”
“Would say Optionscallsputs.com has helped me and my brokerage account to get higher by triple fold. I signed up in October 2021 and the service has been fab. I have used all of their 3 services but currently use the weekly option calls with profits consistently at $20K or higher. I trade w $60k. I think a lot has to do with the market volatility and their option trade alerts. Been amazing so far. Would recommend any of their services but the weekly option trade alerts is where I saw my account grow fast.”
“Using their SPY weekly options alerts so far this month I am up 400%! The month prior I made over $80,000. Optionscallsputs.com delivers great SPY weekly options. Some days you’re trading SPY options expiring the same day! The risk is higher but the reward is huge. Thanks”
“Have been on the hunt for a good service that offers Spy weekly call options and voila I found it. Possibly the best I have found is Optionscallsputs.com
I would say the service is expensive comparing to others but overall is the best I have seen to date. The month of January was amazing and this week we started off really good. I tried their weekly service which was good. I did really well with the option trade alerts from their chat. The experience has been outstanding and I would recommend it if you like to receive your option alerts via chat. The alerts come fast so prepare yourself.”
“I have been using optionscallsputs for about 3 months. The reason for the review is because I made my yearly goal within the 3 months. I can not believe it to be honest. I use their weekly option trade alerts and they are by far the best. I trade with $100,000 each week. Regardless of profits made prior week I always cash out the gains. This month so far I am over $250,000. There is no right or wrong when it comes to trading but to find the right strategy and trades is what option trading is about. In the end what I pay them is minimal to what they make me. I will rejoin when I come back from vacation or end of the year. I am very happy with this option trade alert service.”
“Very pleased w/ your alert service, been trading 6 years & I’ve used many services but your stock option alerts are the BEST!”
“Thanks for the trades, your insight is always on target”
“Thank you OptionsCallsPuts.com
took 80% this morning in 20 min”
“Optionscallsputs has been very profitable to me. They’re by far the best I have used for trading information and option trades. ”
“I signed up for the weekly alerts they have been the best I have found. Today we took TSLA 1035 from $19 to $40.00 My trader has been amazing! I bought 20 contracts at $19 and we took it to $40!!!
This is how it’s been going with OptionsCallsPuts.com as they provide great guidance with excellent entry, exits on all of their option trades!
Highly recommend”
“I have the weekly options trade membership. Today trades were:buy TSLA 1000 call and TSLA 1010 call. I bought 50 contracts of the TSLA 1000 call at $10.20. Bought 30 contracts of the TSLA 1000 call at $7.80. I closed out the 1000 call at $40.00 and the 1010 call at $30.00! What a huge gain for my account and confidence. ”
“Been trading for 10 years but I have not made the money I have made with options trading since I used this options trade alert service. Its been the best for my trading and teaching me a lot of things I did not know. Optionscallsputs.com has the best option trades I have traded. Since the year started I am up over $200K! It’s been incredible. They trade the most fluid names - like Tsla, QQQ and Nvda. We enter and exit within minutes and I am up $10K.If they like the same trade or different strike I get back on the trade. Some days we are wrapped before 10 am est. And some days it may take a few hours. I love the trades, the quickness of the trades and the weekly service here is by far the best.”
“Signed up to the their weekly service and SPY alerts the last few months. From November 2021 to today I will say the option trade alerts work. Today was my biggest day on both services and made over $100k. SPY alerts are worth it even though its pricey. I like both the SPY and weekly alerts. They give you the exits on these option trades.
What I like about the weekly is they will inform you on when to enter, exit and place stops. At times it can be lightening fast so you have to be prepared to trade. Most days I am finished by noon. It’s been a great resource tool and has changed my entire profit strategy plus my trading. I haven’t ever made this much money in from trading options but using Optionscallsputs.com it has really been fantastic. Def recommend Optionscallsputs.com
Side note- have not used their monthly alerts but the Spy and weekly option trade alerts work great.”
“I am seeing consistent growth in my profits since using the option trades from optionscallsputs.com
Been a member since mid 2022 and hoping this continues into 2023. So far so good. The option trades so far have given me the peace and mind in providing the financial stability I need. Last year was my best year yet with gains sometimes exceeding goals. My trader is fabulous with his alerts and technical analysis. Started January 2023 already up $100K.”
“What a difference a year makes! Last year I was still losing money as it seemed like an ongoing problem since I started trading options. I found Optionscallsputs.com in 2023 so far it has helped recover most of my losses. I have used the weekly service and recently the QQQ option trades. Trading the QQQ most of this summer has grown my account ten fold. I would recommend the QQQ option service over anything with the market volatility. Best!”
“What a week again !! I am really amazed at your performance guys and mainly by your consistency.”
“Your TSLA Trade gave me Profits for +80% Gain. Thanks AGAIN!”
“This year has been my best year yet! Combined trades on QQQ, SPY, TSLA & AMZN have done so well for me. Thank you”
“With a holiday short week I made more profits than on a regular week. The option trade alerts here are fantastic. Some days we trade the same stock but whatever makes me money is what I am happy with. Def recommend it.”
“All I can say the option trade alerts are quite the movers. I have made over $50K in 2 weeks with optionscallsputs.com option trades. I am up over 80% since December 2021. Never have I signed up for a service and made this kind of money. This month I have signed up for the Spy alerts and today we made $7K off that trade.”
“So far this January I’ve doubled my account using the Spy Options alerts. These are truly worth it. Thank you.”
“Just in 4 days my account has grown a lot. On Monday I literally was up $45,000 on 1 trade alone. It’s amazing how well they can be so right on their option alerts. OptionsCallsputs.com is the best option trade alert service I have come across and one with great accuracy.”
“I would give Optionscallsputs.com 5 stars for their weekly option calls service. I signed up a few months ago and in the month of Dec and January I took my $50k to $350K with their option trade alerts. It’s been a life saver for me. I have also managed to make up my losses from 2019 with this service. Highly recommend”
“I have used optionscallsputs.com for now 5 months. My initial service was their monthly alerts which were great but I noticed I was either leaving the trade early, or taking a bigger hit on my own. After the first month in where I made $8k, I decided to use their weekly service. Coastwise its a lot more, however, I found that even with paying their fees this was the service I needed to make and retain my profits. Their option trade alerts are really good. They trade qqq, spy, tsla, nvda amzn and some other names frequently. So you have to make sure you are able to trade these names since options atm can be expensive.
Since November through January 2022 I have ended up doing much better than I ever expected. I made over $300K. Last week was one of my better weeks trading with them.
Their monthly option alerts are decent but the better service for my trading is their weekly option trade alerts service. I have not tried their Spy alerts. You do have to stay focused for a few hours at least to trade. I do not stay on the phone or computer all day as most days trades are completed within a few hours. Do try it to see if it works for you. It works for me.”
“Trading the QQQ option alert service has been a game changer for me. Took 100K into $300K in 2 weeks! The market volatility has been so high this late summer/early fall. I recommend the QQQ option alerts.”
“Using Optionscallsputs.com has been an incredible experience trading options. Joined in January 2023 to see if I could use option trading to supplement income and it’s been working beyond what I could have imagined.
In 9 months I have made more than I expected, turned option trading into a full time business. I quit my job, bought a new house and car and paid off my credit card debt! I have not been able to pay off my credit card debt in years!
The service is phenomenal to say the least. They work hard to help you make profits, maximize your portfolio and keep making money from option trading at a steady pace.
The option trade alerts are fantastic. I work with Paul who has managed to help me every step of the way. Some days I’mm finished trading at 10 a.m. and some weeks I am making over 6 figures!
Best option trade service. ”
“Thanks for the help, you made me $10K in one day!”
“Excellent calls! Made $8K on your NVDA trade & $5K on AAPL, thank you”
“I took my 50K account to 80K in the first week with my second week making over 40K. I would highly recommend optionscallsputs.com if you’re seeking top notch option trade alerts with excellent customer service and traders.”
“Made 6 figs in July 2023 trading from $50K. Yes! It’s for real. The traders are amazing. I have paid off my mortgage, credit card debt and car!”
“I am very happy. I am up about $120,000 so far for 3 months during 2021. Mostly, your option trade alerts are due the credit for my success.” ”
“Finally, a great options trade service! I have made more in three years with Optionscallsputs.com than any time in my life. I love trading the weekly options with my trader. Worth the price. ”
“Today we had TSLA 1080 and 1060 Puts. Took my $50,000 to $120,600 today! Amazing service. I have the weekly alerts service ..which I pay $3,750. But when you’re making this kind of money the fees are minimal. Love it”
“ I came across optionscallsputs.com on a google ad. I decided to email them. They replied back very fast. I was told ( for what I needed which was entry and exits to the option trade ) to sign up for the weekly service. I paid for the weekly service and the first week made $24,600. I made $12,500 on first trade. That week I decided to take their advice about making “Goals for my account.” I had a goal of $10,000 but exceeded by $14,000 plus!
The second week was wild. I made over $43,000 and this week I made $120,000. It has been a phenomenal January to say the least. I am very pleased with my service with optionscallsputs.com they got reasonable rates compared to what you will make with their option trades.”
“When I signed up to the monthly service back last October I did not think I would make as much as I have. During the 3 months I have used optionscallsputs.com monthly I have generated over $20K a month. This is more than I thought I would make as I was hoping to generate $5K a month lol. This year I decided to try their weekly service. It’s been stellar. Now I make $20K a week if not more like this past week. I think its amazing there are option trade alert services like this one that work and can help traders make money. I haven’t found anything close. They work closely with you, they make sure you’re making sound profits and they give you option trade alerts that are within your budget. That to me is a company that cares about their customers. My trader, Shawn, is very good. He always asks what we are trading with ( account value) then gives the most magnificent trades. Some days we are finished with in opening minutes of the bell. Lol And some days we are doing a few trades until market closes. It depends on the day. However, my point is this is not about luck it’s about professionalism and smart traders who know how to win. Thanks to their option trade alerts I am doing well than I have ever done in my life.”
“Been using optionscallsputs.com for almost 11 months. It’s one of the only option trade alert services I have found that works. They do what they say. I had a lot of health bills to pay from 2022 so I was seeking a really good option alerts service to help me cover my bills and plus some. The trades are fantastic, they are real time. I use the QQQ and weekly services combined. The cost is high, but the end result is what I never thought I would make. Up over $2.7 million in 11 months.”
Daily Option Trade Alerts
Daily Option Trade Alerts